I am an author, an angler, and an adventurer. I am here to share my stories with you. If you want to experience the inner poetry of the outer wilds, follow me, and I will take you there.

The Pearls of the Panama

The Pearls of Panama

These islands are known as the “The Pearls”, Las Islas Perlas. There is much to contemplate about this from my vantage point, soaking in the Jacuzzi on the upper deck of the big steel ship. Around me, jagged edges of earth’s crust erupt through the surface to create this archipelago of islands, some covered with…

Trout Lake

On Trout Lake

The light perspiration and feeling like the carbon atoms in my cells had transmuted into lead crept up on my awareness. Yeah, my fever was rising again. Time for another palm full of ibuprofen. This would make the third round of flu this year. T’was my usually quip, “The viruses have to eat, too,” but…

Fiesta Time

Fiesta Time

I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not true. With such great numbers of bass in the lake, you might suppose it would be easy to hook them up with virtually any technique. Actually the El Salto fish seem quite sensitive to multiple factors. Clearly they seem to prefer a slow speed to the action…

The Flats of Belize

The Flats of Belize…A Travel Through Time

It was 1963. Bob Dylan recorded his anthem of social change and a 10-year-old boy discovered fishing in the Florida Keys. Truly, the world changed, and a lifelong love affair with the Keys began. What boy’s heart could be left untouched by emerald patches of flats, secreted bays hidden between mangrove islands and blue water fall­ing deep from the edge of the reef?

Southern Royalty

Southern Royalty

Wading out on a bottom of fine white sand, it’s important to shuffle the feet and boost out any freshwater stingrays without prompting retaliation. There’s time for a few last casts into the sunset. I can just make out the crackling of ice in my drink above the gentle murmur of water flowing around my…

Fishing for Dinosaurs

Fishing for Dinosaurs

“Time is but the stream I go a-fish-ing in.” This thought from Henry David Thoreau’s musings on Walden Pond swirls in the cold morning air, over the Fraser River’s brown boiling water and up to Mount Chan, still purple in the early dawn’s light. The metaphor that connects the flow of the river to the…

The Golden Age of Panama

The Golden Age of Panama Fishing…Is Now!

‘Panama’ translates as ‘an abundance of fish’ in the Cueva Indian language. It certainly is an area of great interest to gamefisherman. These rich waters are home to plentiful marlin and an expotic mix of inshore treats. HISTORY Panama is the name of the first village founded by Spanish explorers in the early 1500s and…

Keys Tournament

Keys Tournament Fishing

Holidays Made Happy Wintertime brings many things to the residents of the hinterlands. These include winter weather and the holidays. In this season Jack Frost starts nipping at your nose, and Jack Daniels in the eggnog can tickle the ol’ liver. Both of these influences bring the mind to bear on heading down South FLorida…